The R&D&I Team of ICEACSA Group is supported by the European Commission for Phase 1 of its project “SMApp”, under the Horizon 2020 Program.


The project SMApp presented by the R&D&I Team of ICEACSA Group has obtained the approval of independent experts from the European Commission to initiate Phase 1 in the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument.

The idea has been evaluated based on 3 criteria: excellence, impact and implementation.


The Smart Mobility Application to Improve Traffic Management and Planning (SMApp) will serve to develop an innovative tool to monitor traffic and traffic of vehicles in real time, offering a universal data collection, thus presenting an opportunity to optimize the management of traffic and to use infrastructures more efficient, reducing transport costs and minimizing pollutant emissions. This can radically change the way traffic is handled and infrastructures are planned today.


The SME Instrument is a sub-program of the eighth European Horizon 2020 Program with € 3 billion in funding for the period 2014-2020. It is designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises in transforming innovative ideas into products or services with high growth potential and ability to compete in global markets. The Instrument is structured in three phases: the first, “concept evaluation and feasibility”, subsidizes with 50,000 euros the preparation of business plans to know the possibilities of success of the project; the second, “development and demonstration”, materializes the idea turned into a tangible and commercial product, subsidized to 70% on the total cost of the project that can be between 500,000 euros and 2.5 million euros; the third, “marketing”, helps companies to find funding for their project.

Only 10% of the companies that submit their proposals to Phase 1 of the SME Instrument get their projects approved, because the European Commission is looking for highly innovative ideas that demonstrate talent, differentiation and possibilities for success.

 Click here to see an Infographics of the SME Instrument