The Water Supply of the Metropolitan Area of A Coruña from the Artificial Lake of Meirama, is declared “of interest” to Galicia


ICEACSA is co-author of the project which has, as a singular element, a digged Tunnel with more than 1 km length and 2.7 m section.

Last April 3rd, the Council of the Xunta (Local Goverment of Spain) declared as of “Interest of the Autonomous Community of Galicia” the First Phase of the Work of Reinforcement of the Water Supply of A Coruña from the Artifitial Lake of Meirama, which will consist in a 140 metres false tunnel, a water intake, a valve chamber and a pumping.

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The complete project, which ICEACSA is co-author, has as the main purpose to reinforce the Water Supply to the Metropolitan Area of A Coruña with an extra volume of 24 cubic hectometer that will guarantee the 30% of the Reservoir of Cecebre at least, for which it is designed a canalization from the new artificial lake of the former mine of Meirama to the Barcés River, by a digged tunnel with concrete coating and with 2.7 m  section and more than 1 km length, being the total investment upper to 10 milion euros.

The Artificial Lake of Meirama is the second biggest in Galicia with these characteristics and it highlights for being an example of how the environmental recovery of a lack of use mining instalation, can create new spaces and services which can result in the benefit of all population.

23/4/2014 Source : Authors